the choice of hercules mp3
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Вся музика на запит the choice of hercules
The Choice of Hercules -
Arise, arise
Georg Friedrich Händel -
The Choice Of Hercules - While For...
The Choice of Hercules -
Enjoy the sweet Elysyan grove
Georg Friedrich Händel -
Short is my way, fair, easy,...
Georg Friedrich Händel -
The Choice of Hercules -
Yet can I hear that dulcet lay
Georg Friedrich Händel -
So shat thou gain immortal praise
The Choice of Hercules -
Turn thee, youth, to joi and love
The Choice of Hercules -
This manly youth's exalted mind
The Choice of Hercules -
Away, mistaken wretch, away!
The Choice of Hercules -
Mount, mount the steep ascent
Georg Friedrich Händel -
Where shall I go?
The Choice of Hercules -
Hearst thou, what dangers then thou...
Georg Friedrich Händel -
There the brisk sparkling nectar drain
The Choice of Hercules -
Come, blooming boy, with my repair
The Choice of Hercules -
See, Hercules! how smiles you myrtle...
The Choice of Hercules -
Virtue will place thee in that blest...
Alaine Zaeppfeel -
ARIA: Lead, goddess, lead the way...